Women take on many roles. In the recent times, women have redefined gender roles and social norms. They are able to do things that were once thought of as activities only for men.

However, as much as women can do so much, there are also things that affect women. Unfortunately, some of these include deadly diseases. The good news is that there are ways to avoid these diseases. Here are the top illnesses that women will have to look out for.

Cervical and Ovarian Cancer
These are cancers that only women can get. Cervical cancer is one of the top cancers that affects women all over the world, according to the World Health Organization. In the Philippines, seven Filipinos die from cervical cancer everyday. It is the second leading cancer among Filipinas.

On the other hand, ovarian cancer has been dubbed as the fifth most common cancer in Filipinas by the Department of Health. It does not manifest much symptoms which is why women who get diagnosed are usually at the higher stages already.

This is why regular screenings and tests for these cancers are highly recommended by medical experts. Also, there are vaccines available for some types of cancer, which can significantly help in preventing it.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS affect women in the reproductive age all over the world. It happens when the eggs do not fully develop and create cysts in the ovaries. About 10% of women have PCOS. Some effects of PCOS include irregular menstruation, weight gain, and even sexual drive.

Unfortunately, PCOS cannot be prevented. Catching it is almost arbitrary, but is mostly attributed to genes. Early diagnosis, treatment, and a healthy lifestyle will help prevent it from developing complications.

Yeast Infection
This is one of the most common problems women experience. Around 75% of women experience Vaginal Yeast Infection, or Candida Albicans Fungus, at least once in their life. Moreover, around 45% will experience it more than once.

Some of its symptoms include itching or soreness of the vagina, unusually colored and thick discharge, and even discomfort during sexual intercourse.

That can be a lot irritating, but yeast infections can be avoided through proper sanitation of the vagina. Keep the vaginal area clean and dry, avoid using products that has harsh chemicals to clean the vagina, and wear loose cotton underwear that doesn’t make moisture build up.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome
PMS is real and it happens a lot. Three out of four women experience PMS. It happens seven up to ten days before a woman gets her period up until a few days after. This is when they experience hypersensitivity, increased appetite, and even cramps in the pelvic area.

Doctors are yet to point exactly what causes PMS, but the symptoms can be prevented through living a healthier lifestyle. Diet, exercise, and getting the right amount of sleep can do wonders to a woman experiencing PMS. If the cramps become unbearable, some opt to take painkillers to relieve it.

Urinary Tract Infection
Although males can catch this too, women are at greater risk of getting infected. UTI can cause irregularities in urinating and even pain when doing so. If it develops, UTI can cause serious kidney problems.

The best thing to do is to avoid getting UTI in the first place by drinking plenty of water, proper cleansing of the vagina (before and after peeing, and after intercourse), and using products with no harsh chemicals on the vaginal area.

Prevention is better than cure as they say. It is also advisable to visit doctors and conduct Annual Physical Exams even when there are no manifestations of symptoms.

But there are some instances when catching diseases can be unexpected. Fortunately, there are hospitals and clinics that offer treatments for these, especially diseases that are specific only for women.

ManilaMed houses a center that is exclusively for women’s health. They are conveniently located at the heart of the city. They have state of the art facilities and top notch experts that will help people feel better.

To inquiries or to set appointments, visit www.manilamed.com.ph