Project Description
Radiology and Imaging Department
Provides visual representations of the interior of the body for examinations and proper treatment through X-rays, CT-Scan, and Ultrasound
- Plain and Contrast Studies
- Bone Mineral Denstometry
- Special Procedures:
- CT Angiogram
- Urogram Study
- Virtual Bronchoscopy/Colonoscopy
- CT Guided Biopsy
- CP / Stroke work up
- Calcium Scoring / Cardiac CT
- General Diagnostic Ultrasound
- Duplex Scan
- Elastography / Fibroscan
- Musculo Skeletal (MSK)
- Ultrasound guided biopsy
- General diagnostic radiography
- Special procedures:
- Esophagram
- Upper Gastrointestinal Series
- Small Intestinal series
- Barium Enema (Large Intestine Series)
- Hysterosalpingography
- Intravenous pyelography
* Bring your referral slip and lab results. For CT-Scan and X-ray with contrast study, first conduct a Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine Laboratory Test to check your kidney function.
Schedule: 8 AM to 5 PM, Mondays to Saturdays except holidays.
X-ray and CT-Scan is available 24/7 during holidays.
Contact Information: 523-8131 loc. 2055/2063/2111 or 522-3899